Hi, my name's Sipho.
I created Know Your Dictators in 2018 as a series of witty Twitter threads focused on some of the world's worst leaders.
Since then, I've written a book and created an email newsletter around the topic.
I'm a firm believer that those who don't learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. I also think that history repeats or - in our modern society - retweets itself. Neither of these are original ideas but both are part of the spirit of Know Your Dictators.
I really hope you learn, laugh and...something else that starts with an 'l' through these stories.
Many of them are cautionary tales. Others are just so ridiculous, they're hard to believe.
If you want to keep up with whatever's brewing in dictator world, follow the Know Your Dictators pages on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.